Meet the Team – Ben Messer
Ben Messer, Home Mechanical Ventilation in Partnership (HMViP)
Consultant, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
I am a consultant in long-term ventilation and Intensive care Medicine at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle upon Tyne. I have been clinical lead of the North East assisted ventilation service since 2015.
What is your interest in HMV?
I am interested in tracheostomy and secretion management in motor neuron disease and the ventilatory, critical care and perioperative management of patients with neuromuscular disease
When did you join the HMViP?
June 2022
What do you personally hope to see the group achieve?
I’d like to see a raising of the profile of home mechanical ventilation as a commonly delivered treatment in the community. I hope that we’ll be able to deliver a valuable educational resource for patients, families and carers.