Meet the Team – Joanna Shakespeare
Joanna Shakespeare, Home Mechanical Ventilation in Partnership (HMViP)
Consultant Clinical Scientist, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW)
Consultant Clinical Scientist specialising in sleep, ventilation and cardiopulmonary exercise testing. I am the scientific lead for the Respiratory and Sleep Sciences Department. My role includes undertaking ventilation clinics, assessing and treating patients with HMV. I am responsible for the delivery of a post-acute NIV clinic assessing patients recently discharged from hospital. I also provide ventilatory support for patients undergoing PEG/RIG procedures.
What is your interest in HMV?
A consultant colleague and myself established the HMV service at Coventry in June 2016, and now provide HMV support for patients across the whole of Coventry and Warwickshire and further afield.
When did you join the HMViP?
July 2022
What do you personally hope to see the group achieve?
To establish the website as a resource for patients and clinicians using HMV providing the information and resources that they need e.g. information leaflets, provide answers to frequently asked questions.