Meet the Team – Sarah Rose

Meet Sarah Rose from HMViP and Pathfinders

I am trustee co-chair of a user led charity called Pathfinders Neuromuscular Alliance. We provide support, services, information guides and run events and campaigns on issues affecting adults living with muscle weakening conditions. Many of our members are HMV users, including myself. I have been using non-invasive ventilation for 30 years. 

What is your interest in HMV?
I’m interested in HMV for Neuromuscular conditions in particular but in general raising awareness.  

When did you join the HMViP?

What do you personally hope to see the group achieve?
I would like to see the group continue to grow, reach more people to show how life with HMV can be a game changer in terms of health, independence and quality of life. In addition, for the HMVIP group to be the place to go for useful and accurate information, going forward.